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  • Applicative potential of digital surface models derived from Pléiades-HR tri-stereoscopic acquisitions in a range of thematic domains

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    • Arnaud Durand
    • Mathilde Caspard
    • Claire Huber
    • Jérôme Maxant








    The agility of the Pleiades-HR satellites enables multiple along-track acquisitions, in particular the acquisition of three images over the same area during one pass, of which one is nearly nadir. This "tri-stereoscopic" configuration is composed of three images acquired from different points of view, allowing the reconstruction of the observed scene by standard stereo-photogrammetric practices. Several projects and studies receive support from the ORFEO Pléiades accompaniment program through the provision of tri-stereoscopic data during the user thematic commissioning phase, leading to studies of the data’s potential over a wide variety of territories and thematic domains. In this work, the processing chain based on the correlator MicMac, developed at the French National Geographic Institute (IGN), is introduced, along with the comparison of the satellite derived digital surface model with a LiDAR dataset, in order to estimate altimetric accuracy. Then, the applicative potential of digital surface models are investigated through their analysis in the framework of ongoing studies covering various thematic fields: hydrology and risks, forestry, protection of the environment, development aid. Several digital surface models are presented in order to show the rendering quality over various landscapes which could have an impact on the processing and result accuracy: urban, rural, plain, mountain… Regional digital surface models (SPOT-5 HRS or ALORS PRISM for example) cover a wide area with decimetric or metric resolution. LiDAR datasets, often very dense and precise, have a reduced cover but need a potentially heavy ad-hoc logistics (aircraft routing). It is shown that the gap between these data sources is filled by tri-stereoscopic Pleiades-HR products, bringing together accuracy and wide cover, opening new perspectives to end-users.