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  • Concept for meteor , a manned earth satellite terminal evolving from earth to orbit ferry rockets

    Paper ID



    • Darrell Romick


    Goodyear Aircraft Corporation, Akron






    The intereffect between supply rockets and a space terminal, and between other elements of a complete operational system, is taken into account in an effort to optimize a manned earth-satellite terminal evolving from earth-to-orbit ferry rockets. The operational requirements and objectives, designed for maximum service potential at least cost, are first laid down to guide the concept. The earth-to-orbit ferry rocket concept is developed to give maximum operating efficiency (with short recycle time) and best fit the needs of the terminal. The earth-satellite terminal concept is then developed, utilizing the final stage of the ' ferry rocket as the basic « building block ». Various features of the system are discussed, with particular consideration given to operational reliability and handling of . emergencies. The over-all system operational logistics are outlined.