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  • A possible new method for the prediction of radiosensitivity

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    • L. Novák
    • M. Pospíšil


    Institute of Biophysics, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences






    Ionizing radiation in different intensities occur throughout space. It is well known from radiobiological experience, that the same sublethal dose of ionizing radiation has a different effect on different men. The effects observed are closely related to the individual sensitivity of irradiated organisms. In our previous papers4,5,6,9 a correlation, between the oxygen consumption, carbon-dioxide output and the probable individual radiosensitivity after a single whole body exposure, has been proved. Summarizing these results briefly one can say, that in a group of individual organisms the highest sensitivity to irradiation has been observed in those, that exhibited the highest individual deviation from the group- average of oxygen consumption or carbon-dioxide output. The lowest radiosensitivity on contrary has been observed in individuals closely related in their own metabolical parameters to the average value of the whole experimental group. The practical use of this observation however, has been somewhat invalidated by the fact, that for the estimation of the “reference point” (e.g., the group average) a large group of individuals relatively homogenous in age, body weight, under the same experimental conditions, has to be measured. From this reason during further investigations of individual differences in radiosensitivity, a new method for the calculation of that “reference value”, from the physical conditions of each individual experiment, has been developed. This new way in the evaluation of individual differences in oxygen consumption from calculated (theoretical) “reference value”, opens up new possibilities for the assessment of the probable individual radiosensitivity. Because of the possible use of this method in bioastronautics, let us outline here, some of its main principles and experimental results.