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  • Impact of space on world development

    Paper ID



    • H. Guyford Stever


    National Science Foundation




    Today, we meet to discuss the impact of space on world development. As a scientist; as the director of an agency of the United States Government, the National Science Foundation; and as a participant in this congress who is concerned about peace on Earth and, therefore, world development, I endorse the theme which brings us together and extend my compliments of those of you who have made this assembly possible. I am grateful that you invited me to join in this worthy task. We are meeting at a time which is quite significant in man’s exploration of outer space. This is the year of ever-increasing cooperative interests in space ventures, including the joint, manned space effort by the Soviet Union and the United States. Thanks to the genius of our early pioneers, many of whom are in this great hall, the results of an era of experimentation now show us clearly the promise which the orderly and determined use of space and space vehicles has to offer. Space science and space technology are already going to work. The perspective of space gives us new insights and fresh outlooks. In these remarks, I will speak about some of these as a prelude to a discussion of what I refer to as a space ethic. Since ethics have meaning only in the experience of life, I will then examine some past space experiences and prospective space uses in the light of that ethic. World development includes all countries, but our regard for developing countries prompts me to emphasize their special needs.