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  • Earth and ocean physics applications program (EOPAP)

    Paper ID



    • F.O. Vonbun


    NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center






    This paper describes, in abbreviated form, NASA’s proposed Earth and Ocean Physics Applications Program (EOPAP). The solid Earth and the oceans have provided the base for man’s activities on this planet through its history. Both have supplied him with the necessary substance for his life and have further stimulated his aspirations. At the same time however, both have acted as severe task masters, plaguing him with natural disasters and influencing nearly every move in his daily life. Earthquakes, tidal waves and storms have wreaked havoc to mankind, taking a large toll of life and property. These phenomena are of an unmanageable scale and until recently have all been unpredictable. Space capabilities have provided, for instance, the ability to predict the paths of potentially disastrous hurricanes and accompanying tidal waves. One of the aims of this program is to apply yet another kind of