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  • A modern model of hail suppression

    Paper ID



    • V. Horvat
    • B. Hren


    Republic Hidrometeorological Institute of Crotia






    In order to reduce hail damage it has been worked very intensively on the development of hail suppression all over the world. It requires an interdisciplinary scientific approach, and it is based on technical potentialities and on economic justifiablenss. For effective hail suppression is necessary to seed a certain area (volume ) in a cloud, defined by meteorological situations, at intervals as short as possible. This requirement has influenced the development of means of seeding - cannons, antihail rockets, ground generators and aeroplane generators, launchers and it has also caused the fuller application of radar and satellitic meteorology. A further step in relation to the antihail rockets that have been used hitherto represents the long - range rocket TG - lo which has been used in Yugoslavia for the first time this year. In the Republic Hydrometeorological Institute of the Socialistic Republic Croatia ( a part of Yugoslavia ) the modern hail suppression conception j based on radar metereology, on a computer operating of data and on the usage of rockets as means of seeding clouds j has been recently attained.