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  • A control method of antenna pointing error due to orbital inclination for a spin-stabilized satellite

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    • T. Izumisawa
    • S. Samejima
    • M. Shibayama


    Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Public Corporation






    Orbit plane of a geostationary satellite inclines with an annual rate of about 0.8° in a certain direction due to perturbation caused by the moon and the sun.^ This makes it necessary to perform the north-south orbit maneuver to keep the orbit inclination within a prescribed range so that satellite antenna pointing can be maintained in a determined direction. In this paper, a method is described to remove the antenna pointing error due to increased orbit inclination for a spin-stabilized satellite with a despin antenna, after the orbit plane control becomes impossible because of fuel shortage. Experiments were carried out using the Medium Capacity Communications Satellite for Experimental 2) 3) Purposes (CS) ' to measure the diurnal C/Ng variation of the overall K-band (30/20 GHz) satellite link, and the effectiveness of the method was verified.