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  • "On orbit" characterisation of communications payloads of Indian national satellite (INSAT-1C)

    Paper ID



    • Ram Bilas
    • L.K. Bhat
    • S.K. Gururaja
    • D. Thangaraj
    • S.N. Bhat


    Department of Space






    INSAT-1C is a 3-axis stabilized multiple payload satellite, which has a design life of seven years. Its payload comprises of Fixed Satellite Service(FSS ) operating in C-band, Broadcast Satellite Service(BSS J operating in S-band, Data Collection Platform Service(DCP ) and Very High Resolution Radiometer(VHRR J. INSAT- 1C has been launched by Ariane V-24 Rocket from Kourou, French Guiyana and is positioned at 93.5 deg E-longitude with its 'Beam Centered' at Nagpur (80.54 Deg E, 21.27 Deg N ). After positioning at this longitude, satellite payloads have been tested extensively for its performance from Master Control Facility at Hassan, India. Tests conducted on the payloads are, Transponder EIRP, Transfer Characteristics, Figure of Merit (G/T J, Frequency Conversion, Frequency,Response, Group Delay, On-Board Attenuator Settings, Video Measurements, etc. Performance of the payloads have been found to be satisfactory . This paper describes the various communication subsystems, a detailed test plan and analysis of test data.