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  • A food/nutrient supply plan for lunar base CELSS

    Paper ID



    • Y. Midorikawa
    • T. Fujii
    • M. Terai
    • K. Omasa
    • K. Nitta


    JGC Corporation, Project Development Department






    The paper discusses a plan for nutrient supply and plant farming for the 8 crews lunar base (to be expanded to 16 crews as the base grows). If the plant produces crop according to our s estimation, our study shows that rice, soybean, lettuce and strawberry in less than 40 m^ of farming area per crew is able to supply enough food for the crews from the nutritious point of view. Among the essential nutrient elements required, however, vitamin Bj, calcium and sodium are not satisfied. We hope supply of the unsatisfied nutrients will be realized by the following ways. For example, they are mushroom cultivation for supply of vitamin B2, transportation of lime from the earth for calcium and recovery of sodium from human urine for sodiumchloride. Under the isolated and closed environment like in a luna base, not only nutritious sufficiency but also pleasure of eating is very important. Also we think it is necessary to generate as many kinds of foods as possible out of limited number of plant species.