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  • A Comprehensive Development for the Earth Observation System

    Paper ID



    • Zhang Zeng Xiang


    The State Development Bank of China Dept./Forestry & Environment






    Environment and resources support the sustainable development . Monitoring and survey from visible spectrum have collected much images and passed a significant duration. As extend of MSS, TM and SPOT have obtained accurate cartography of the surface and AVHRR gives immediate discovering for natural change in the Earth with rougher resolution. For increasing understanding of the Global environment, satellites of new generation should be on the agenda because of all-weather needs. SIR as a pioneer are exploring the unknown and yeilding new directions. SAR has provided high quality and three dimensions to meet the demands from new environmental awareness. Many disciplines in ocean are emphasized in application to ERS, JERS, RADARS AT and in update microwave devices for environmentally sound. It is necessary to set up multilateral collaboration like Topex / Poseiton and face improvement of great events such as greenhouse technology and climate change in the Global.