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  • "Metanation" and Other Words

    Paper ID



    • D.J. O'Donnell
    • P.R. Harris


    United Societies in Space, Inc






    The word "Metanation" is used to portray a political entity in the venue of outer space. Meta is a Greek prefix for change and for above, beyond, and about. It is a specialized nation far beyond us and all about us. Its purpose is to manage our interplanetary commons so that needed space resources can be allocated to convert our dream of living and working in space into a feasible business plan. The political entity will supplement the treaty system. The Metanation will serve as our trustee manager and corresponding regulator of space resources for the benefit of all nations during their lifetimes and for humankind as residual and ultimate beneficiaries. Preliminary procedures are sponsored by United Societies in Space including 10 Countdown Conferences; a space Constitutional Convention on August 4, 2000 AD; a Model Treaty on Jurisdiction in Outer Space by 2010 AD; publication of SPACE GOVERNANCE Journaf, maintenance of a Council of Regents, Corps of Observers, and a Convention of Delegates; sponsoring a CYBERSPACE vote at www.usis.org; advancing five space authorities to develop site specific space resources, such as planned by the Lunar Economic Development Authority (LEDA); proposing a common law for space; and implementing a future Space Development Plan at 2010 AD.