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  • 3D-MCM Miniaturized Spacecraft Platform Modules

    Paper ID



    • Petrus Hyvönen
    • Peter Nilsson
    • Bertil Linder
    • Lars Stenmark
    • Fredrik Bruhn


    Angstrom Aerospace Corporation (AAC);






    Space miniaturization has mostly been focusing on using existing COTS or space-grade technology and building small spacecrafts, benefiting from the scale benefits of less complexity, shorter development times and reduced quality assurance. With the introduction of micromachinery and small-scale processing, it becomes possible to integrate satellite systems to a new level, where the complete chain from individual dies to system level is miniaturized. Ångström Aerospace Corporation has been developing this concept, starting on the component packaging level, with a plan to step-by-step introduce a whole new satellite system concept, as the Micro-Link concept. Three miniaturized components have been under development during last year, a general interface module (CSIM), a compact mass memory module (MM) and a magnetotorquer control module (M-ACS). All modules are based on the Micro-Link module standard, except the CSIM that is a general CAN and SpaceWire interface subcomponent. The MM is developed together with Saab Ericsson Space. The high level of packing density is achieved by creating multi-chip-modules, based on silicon substrates. The high control of interconnects on silicon wafer enables the removal of one packaging level, the die-chip and the chip-PCB level is combined to a single interconnect. The die is directly connected to the silicon carrier that contains the routing and passive components. By using silicon as the carrier material, many advantages are obtained, including the reduction of thermal stresses between the silicon based die and the packaging around it. This enables operation at a high temperature. The mass of the systems becomes minimal, and an increase in functionality at this miniaturization level does not increase mass, only system complexity. The mass of the modules are estimated to less then 100g, including a load-carrying frame structure. By reducing the mass of systems with one to two magnitudes, a new level of performance is achieved, that can improve existing mission concepts, but also enable new types of missions that are only viable with a high performance spacecraft and a significantly lower mass then today's satellites.