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  • 2001-2011: Italian – Argentinian cooperation on Early Warning and disaster Management Training Program

    Paper ID



    • Francesca Ines Moretto
    • Gabriella Arrigo
    • Cristina Ananasso
    • Vanina Guarino


    Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI); Italian Space Agency (ASI); CONAE






    PURPOSE The purpose of this Paper is to show ten years of bilateral cooperation between Italy and Argentina on Training Program experience of Emergency, Early Warning and response using earth observation data. Particular attention will be dedicated to the ASI and CONAE experience, participants, Hosting Bodies and Organizations, matters of study and research and how this acquired experience could be useful for the space community. Furthermore, the aim of the analysis is to evaluate the real benefit of the cooperation in the development of the earth observation applications, in the early warning culture and in the potential transfer of the same exercise to other regional areas and countries. METHODOLOGY The research has been conducted analyzing formal and informal documents related to the Training Program. In 2001 ASI and CONAE established the Advanced Space Studies Institute Mario Gulich, located in Cordoba (Argentina) with the aim to found an Educational and Training Center of excellency. The purpose of the collaboration became stronger with the definition of the Italian-Argentinian satellite system for Disaster Management (SIASGE). In 2001 ASI and CONAE signed also the first Agreement for the education and training of human resources. Thanks to the Italian system of international fellowships many Bodies gave their availability to host students and make research projects on space applications. From 2010 fellowships became a part of the new Master Course AEARTE. The ASI archive has the main documentation on the process and other information come from Experts that coordinated the welcoming, the positioning and the activities of the Argentinian students in Italy. RESULTS 118 students and more than 33 Italian Hosting Bodies involved in 10 years. Many researches on specific disaster and risks: floods, fires, atmospheric pollution, epidemiology, oil spill, SAR images elaboration, data mining, coasts and mountains monitoring, forecast. In 2010 the Master Course AEARTE (Aplicacion Espaciales de Alerta y Respuesta Temprana a Emergencias) was created at the Gulich Institute to better coordinate the education and training on Early Warning. CONCLUSION The Training Program on Early Warning and Disaster Management is the only Program Course in Latin America area in which Italy and Argentina are devoting efforts and know how. The experience will continue, trying to become more and more efficient and adequate to the needs of both countries, regional area and international community.