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  • 2-in-1 Smart Panels: Embedding Phased Array Patch Antennas within Satellite Structures

    Paper ID



    • Valorie Platero
    • Dustin Isleifson
    • Philip Ferguson
    • Raghavan Jayaraman


    University of Manitoba






    The increasing commercialization of space missions call for versatile subsystems that make efficient use of limited spacecraft volumes. Smart panel technology that provides both mechanical and electrical functionality is a beneficial solution to spacecraft miniaturization. Combining different subsystems that are usually developed independently of each other is an innovative approach to space system design. Embedding antennas within satellite structural components reduces the overhead required for integrating numerous systems and maximizes space for the payload and other critical instruments. Microstrip patch antennas provide a low profile, light weight, small-dimension and easily-manufactured solution to small satellite communication. The phased array functionality of the antenna enables dynamic beamforming for maximum versatility. In this paper, we evaluate the feasibility of an embedded phased array microstrip patch antenna within a composite structural panel comprised of carbon fiber reinforced polymers (CFRP) with an aluminum honeycomb sandwich structure. The embedded antenna panels are designed to be adaptable for any function and size required by the end user. We present the design of the smart panel antenna modelled using electromagnetic simulation software (ANSYS HFSS). The CFRP materials are modelled with approximations of their electrical properties derived from experimental S-parameter and impedance measurements of microstrip devices. The simulated antenna’s radiation performance such as half power beamwidth, efficiency and gain are evaluated. The optimized design is prototyped and tested in the anechoic chamber at the University of Manitoba’s Microwave and Antennas lab. The measured results of the prototype’s radiation are compared with the simulation results and shown to be less ideal than the simulation, but without significant decrease to the performance. The performance characteristics of the prototype antenna are used to evaluate its application and feasibility in systems integration, and different uses in case studies including radar mapping spacecraft, satellite constellations, and CubeSats.