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  • 1MAP: UAE Geo Data Collaboration

    Paper ID



    • Marwa Elkabbany


    UAE Federal Competitiveness and Statistics Centre (FCSC)


    United Arab Emirates




    1Map is UAE’s national geostatistical platform -developed by Federal Competitiveness and Statistics Centre (FCSC) - to integrate geographical and statistical data through established governmental data collaboration to support planning, crisis management and decision making as well as to provide the community with authoritative maps and official statistics while leveraging latest geospatial technology and artificial intelligence technologies. 1MAP has 3 main objectives, first is to establish a national collaborative geographic information portal that collects geospatial data from partners, process, standardize it then create sites and different application to serve the community and governmental partners. 1MAP sites serves as 1-stop page to partners with spatial data/apps. The second objective is to enable national geo-statistics where maps and statistical data are combined to support national decision-making through different dashboards, webmaps and storymaps. While, the third is to provide national authoritative maps and information for community’s facilities through 1MAP Facilities Catalog Module. To achieves these objectives 1MAP team has to work on the consolidation of maps and information from the 7 emirates to one national map and the harmonization of data applied on various data sources according to a standard that serves cross sectoral requirements. Outcomes from 1MAP includes:  Promoting Government Information Sharing for spatial data and establish a governmental collaborative portal. 1Map is simply a joint activity of +15 entity, focusing on geographic information, at the initiative core is the concept of government data collaborations.  Launching a UAE national geo-digital revolution. This is shown in utilization of latest technology in implementing a collaborative portal with partners to seamlessly share spatial products and avoid duplication to save national resources while presenting output in a unique modern look. On the other hand the use of artificial intelligence and earth observation to extract meaningful information to be used in national statistics and environment monitoring.  Enabling FCSC to calculate and address national indicators that lacked data inputs before. The wealth of data collected and its comprehension in addition to the data extracted from earth observation techniques resolved data challenges in some complex indicators. Developing +10% of staffs’ capacity from multi departments, and increase public awareness about GIS. One aim behind this is to increase the transparency and the dimensions of our existing data, as well as other important statistical activities. https://geostat.fcsa.gov.ae/gisportal/home/