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  • "Space2030” Agenda: Space Economy’s challenges and SDGs' opportunities to tackle present and future global efforts

    Paper ID



    • Antonio Del Mastro
    • Federico Monaco
    • Giulia Bordacchini
    • Vatsala Tewari


    Mars Planet; Università degli Studi di Parma;






    The New Space Economy for the 21st Century is tackling the global issue of sustainability with the deadline represented by the UN Agenda 2030 as any other terrestrial economy sector. Space applications and new commercial approaches are addressing socio-economic benefits from space derived data. Space technologies and data act as infrastructures and connectors among sustainable objectives and a major driver and contributor to the UN SGDs. The 17 SDGs themselves represent a strong reference for the development of space industry production methods and applications. Following the proposal for the 18th SDG (Space for All), the Agenda “Space2030” adopted by the UN General Assembly represents a concrete attempt to extend the SDGs beyond Earth. Specific SDGs and case studies are considered according to two segments: production and applications. An early analysis of how the distribution process of production chain supply and catching up for new companies must be redesigned as means and goals. In light of increasing international cooperation and collaboration between the space industry, governments, and user communities, it is paramount to develop new-fangled innovative solutions to meet end-users needs, compulsory for the achievement of the ambitious targets related to climate change mitigation and adaptation actions. The paper analyses the challenges faced by sustainable applications enabled by space technology and data and how they can bring an added value to the global transition to a circular economy according to specific mid-and long-term goals recalled in the Space2030 Agenda. Case studies and best practices are included for example and reference to better fulfil the necessity to continue exploring how to work collectively to deliver the full potential of space for sustainable development. Some considerations are made on the applications of Space technology as a tool to monitor and guarantee the worldwide peace.