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Results 1—10 of 2008 for event:IAC-2020
author | title | publication | year | link |
"Space Scooter": space mobility system using in space hotels and space stations |
IAC 2020 congress proceedings, 71st International Astronautical Congress (IAC) — IAC CyberSpace Edition , 12–14 October 2020, , |
2020 |
'The African-European Space Alliance - a commercial future for space missions' |
IAC 2020 congress proceedings, 71st International Astronautical Congress (IAC) — IAC CyberSpace Edition , 12–14 October 2020, , |
2020 |
IAC 2020 congress proceedings, 71st International Astronautical Congress (IAC) — IAC CyberSpace Edition , 12–14 October 2020, , |
2020 |
IAC 2020 congress proceedings, 71st International Astronautical Congress (IAC) — IAC CyberSpace Edition , 12–14 October 2020, , |
2020 |
IAC 2020 congress proceedings, 71st International Astronautical Congress (IAC) — IAC CyberSpace Edition , 12–14 October 2020, , |
2020 |
IAC 2020 congress proceedings, 71st International Astronautical Congress (IAC) — IAC CyberSpace Edition , 12–14 October 2020, , |
2020 |
IAC 2020 congress proceedings, 71st International Astronautical Congress (IAC) — IAC CyberSpace Edition , 12–14 October 2020, , |
2020 |
3U Cubesat aerodynamic design aimed to increase attitude stability and orbital lifetime |
IAC 2020 congress proceedings, 71st International Astronautical Congress (IAC) — IAC CyberSpace Edition , 12–14 October 2020, , |
2020 |
50 years ago, the first East/West cooperation in space - Lunokhod 1, the first space rover |
IAC 2020 congress proceedings, 71st International Astronautical Congress (IAC) — IAC CyberSpace Edition , 12–14 October 2020, , |
2020 |
IAC 2020 congress proceedings, 71st International Astronautical Congress (IAC) — IAC CyberSpace Edition , 12–14 October 2020, , |
2020 |