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    Results 110 of 181 for event:GLOC-2023






    • Thomas Lavergne

    A Climate Data Record of Global Sea-Ice Drift from the EUMETSAT OSI SAF

    GLOC 2023 conference proceedings, ["GLOC-2023"] 2023, Oslo, Norway


    • Ellery Saluck
    • Edythe Weeks

    A Mechanism for Seeing Invisible Barriers: The Secret to Assuring Compliance with International Legal Climate Change Regimes

    GLOC 2023 conference proceedings, ["GLOC-2023"] 2023, Oslo, Norway


    • Thomas Lavergne

    A New Structure for the Sea Ice Essential Climate Variables of the Global Climate Observing System

    GLOC 2023 conference proceedings, ["GLOC-2023"] 2023, Oslo, Norway


    • Francesco Bordi

    A metrics framework for GHG monitoring

    GLOC 2023 conference proceedings, ["GLOC-2023"] 2023, Oslo, Norway


    • Christopher Merchant

    A new Earth Observation Climate Information Service in the UK

    GLOC 2023 conference proceedings, ["GLOC-2023"] 2023, Oslo, Norway


    • Greg Kushnir
    • Avinash Rao
    • Rick Hodgson

    A space-based wireless power beaming architecture for renewable energy transmission

    GLOC 2023 conference proceedings, ["GLOC-2023"] 2023, Oslo, Norway


    • Antoni Eritja Olivella
    • Íñigo de Loyola Chacartegui Rojo
    • Spyridon Gouvalas
    • Uma Cladellas Sanjuan
    • Nicolás Rodríguez Barnuevo

    ALMA: Balloon borne aerosol counter for volcanic plumes

    GLOC 2023 conference proceedings, ["GLOC-2023"] 2023, Oslo, Norway


    • Emilio Chuvieco
    • M. Lucrecia Pettinari
    • Joshua Lizundia-Loiola
    • Amin Khairoun
    • Ekhi Roteta
    • Thomas Storm
    • Martin Boettcher
    • Olaf Danne
    • Carsten Brockmann
    • Clement Albergel

    Advances in burned area detection from remote sensing: The FireCCI products

    GLOC 2023 conference proceedings, ["GLOC-2023"] 2023, Oslo, Norway


    • Seamus Lombardo
    • Javier Kinney
    • Leia Stirling
    • Katya Arquilla
    • Afreen Siddiqi
    • Steven Israel
    • Olivier de Weck

    Advancing Yurok Tribe Climate Impact Mitigation Actions through the Collaborative Development and Evaluation of a Satellite Remote Sensing Decision Support System

    GLOC 2023 conference proceedings, ["GLOC-2023"] 2023, Oslo, Norway


    • Rushanka Amrutkar
    • Simon Barron
    • Crispin Hambidge
    • Ty Hayward
    • Aaron Mills

    Agricultural Regulation and Compliance - Earth Observation in Intensive Farming

    GLOC 2023 conference proceedings, ["GLOC-2023"] 2023, Oslo, Norway


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