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Results 1—10 of 32 for event:IAC-1954
author | title | publication | year | link |
IAC 1954 congress proceedings, 5th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), 2–7 August 1954, Innsbruck, Austria |
1954 |
Artificial satellite unification and mechanics ( sidar-mechanics) |
IAC 1954 congress proceedings, 5th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), 2–7 August 1954, Innsbruck, Austria |
1954 |
Basic design principals applicable to reaction propelled space vehicles |
IAC 1954 congress proceedings, 5th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), 2–7 August 1954, Innsbruck, Austria |
1954 |
IAC 1954 congress proceedings, 5th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), 2–7 August 1954, Innsbruck, Austria |
1954 |
Demonstration über den Nachweis der Kosmischen Strahlung im menschlichen Körper |
IAC 1954 congress proceedings, 5th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), 2–7 August 1954, Innsbruck, Austria |
1954 |
Der einflub der Auslegung der Turbopumpe auf die Flugleistungen einer grobrakete |
IAC 1954 congress proceedings, 5th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), 2–7 August 1954, Innsbruck, Austria |
1954 |
Die Erforschung der initialvorgänge ber verbrennungsprozessen |
IAC 1954 congress proceedings, 5th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), 2–7 August 1954, Innsbruck, Austria |
1954 |
Die Rückkehr von geflügelten geräten von aubenstationsbahnen |
IAC 1954 congress proceedings, 5th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), 2–7 August 1954, Innsbruck, Austria |
1954 |
Die entwicklung hochtemperaturbeständiger werkstoffe für die lutf und weltraumfahrt |
IAC 1954 congress proceedings, 5th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), 2–7 August 1954, Innsbruck, Austria |
1954 |
IAC 1954 congress proceedings, 5th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), 2–7 August 1954, Innsbruck, Austria |
1954 |