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    Results 110 of 129 for event:IAC-1964






    • J. F. Jones

    A Natural coordinate referencing system for use in the reduction of radar data from a geodetic satellite

    IAC 1964 congress proceedings, 15th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), 7–12 September 1964, Warsaw, Poland


    • A. J. Schwaniger

    A Survey of free return transits in earth-moon space

    IAC 1964 congress proceedings, 15th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), 7–12 September 1964, Warsaw, Poland


    • M. Summerfield

    A curriculum in engineering science directed toward astrautics

    IAC 1964 congress proceedings, 15th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), 7–12 September 1964, Warsaw, Poland


    • H. Hoeppner
    • L. J. Barbieri

    A novel approach to dimensionless flight mechanics in a central gravity field

    IAC 1964 congress proceedings, 15th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), 7–12 September 1964, Warsaw, Poland


    • L. Novák
    • M. Pospíšil

    A possible new method for the prediction of radiosensitivity

    IAC 1964 congress proceedings, 15th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), 7–12 September 1964, Warsaw, Poland


    • V. A. Zlatoustov
    • D. E. Okhotsimskii
    • V. A. Sarychev
    • A. P. Torzhevskii

    A study of a satellite's oscillations in the plane of an elliptical orbit

    IAC 1964 congress proceedings, 15th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), 7–12 September 1964, Warsaw, Poland


    • C. Popovici

    Absolute directions in space and control formulas in stellar triangulation

    IAC 1964 congress proceedings, 15th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), 7–12 September 1964, Warsaw, Poland


    • D. T. McRuer
    • E. S. Krendel
    • D. Graham

    Adaptive and optimalizing behavior of the human operator in compensatory tracking

    IAC 1964 congress proceedings, 15th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), 7–12 September 1964, Warsaw, Poland


    • E. B. Konecci

    Advanced concepts in man-machine control: a review

    IAC 1964 congress proceedings, 15th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), 7–12 September 1964, Warsaw, Poland


    • C. N. Shen

    Analytical solutions for manned lunar landing trajectories

    IAC 1964 congress proceedings, 15th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), 7–12 September 1964, Warsaw, Poland


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