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    Results 110 of 337 for event:IAC-1984






    • Cyril Ponnamperuma

    "Environmental planning and development East Asian perspectives" A case for the remote sensing of rice

    IAC 1984 congress proceedings, 35th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), 8–13 October 1984, Lausanne, Switzerland


    • R. Folprecht
    • R. Kvetnansky
    • V.I. Kozarinov
    • M. Vigas
    • J. Neuzil
    • A.S. Usakov
    • L. Stepan
    • A.D. Noskin
    • L. Macho

    "Plasma 01" - Appliance for human blood collection and processing during space flights

    IAC 1984 congress proceedings, 35th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), 8–13 October 1984, Lausanne, Switzerland


    • S. Starker

    A GPS-NAVSTAR- supplement as a possibility for autonomous civil satellite navigation

    IAC 1984 congress proceedings, 35th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), 8–13 October 1984, Lausanne, Switzerland


    • M. Haziza
    • E. Zeis
    • J. Boissieres

    A computerized algebraic utility for the construction of a first order analytical orbit predictor

    IAC 1984 congress proceedings, 35th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), 8–13 October 1984, Lausanne, Switzerland


    • Donna Shirley Pivirotto

    A customer-friendly space station

    IAC 1984 congress proceedings, 35th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), 8–13 October 1984, Lausanne, Switzerland


    • Fang-Toh Sun

    A global view of the isochronous trajectory families by Hamilton's hodographic transformation

    IAC 1984 congress proceedings, 35th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), 8–13 October 1984, Lausanne, Switzerland


    • Andrew J. Stofan

    A high energy stage for the national space transportation system

    IAC 1984 congress proceedings, 35th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), 8–13 October 1984, Lausanne, Switzerland


    • Bruce D. Wright

    A hydroponic method plant growth in microgravity

    IAC 1984 congress proceedings, 35th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), 8–13 October 1984, Lausanne, Switzerland


    • O. Grosjean
    • J.P. Bibring

    A martian dust sample return mission

    IAC 1984 congress proceedings, 35th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), 8–13 October 1984, Lausanne, Switzerland


    • G. Vulpetti

    A non-variation approach to multiple finite-burn propellant optimization

    IAC 1984 congress proceedings, 35th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), 8–13 October 1984, Lausanne, Switzerland


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