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    Results 110 of 29 for event:IAC-1953






    • A lopes Cardozo

    A general formula for the relation between a field of forces and the orbit of a body therein

    IAC 1953 congress proceedings, 4th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), 3–8 August 1953, Zurich, Switzerland


    • S F Singer

    A minimum orbital instrumented satellite - now

    IAC 1953 congress proceedings, 4th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), 3–8 August 1953, Zurich, Switzerland


    • Partel Glauco

    Co-operation among rocket societies in the present state of astronautical research

    IAC 1953 congress proceedings, 4th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), 3–8 August 1953, Zurich, Switzerland


    • Von Karl Schütte

    Die Bahnbestimmung aus dem vektor der bahngeschwindigkeit und der einfluss einer aenderung desselben auf die bahnelemente

    IAC 1953 congress proceedings, 4th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), 3–8 August 1953, Zurich, Switzerland


    • R M Corelli

    Die Erniedrigung des erstarrungspunktes

    IAC 1953 congress proceedings, 4th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), 3–8 August 1953, Zurich, Switzerland


    • Kurt R Stehling

    Earth scanning techniques for a small orbital rocket vehicle

    IAC 1953 congress proceedings, 4th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), 3–8 August 1953, Zurich, Switzerland


    • A.E DIXON
    • K W Gatland
    • A M Kunesch

    Fabrication of the orbital vehicle

    IAC 1953 congress proceedings, 4th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), 3–8 August 1953, Zurich, Switzerland


    • H R Voellmy

    La pesée des forces aérodynamiques sur un corps de révolution et le calcul élémentaire de la composante normale

    IAC 1953 congress proceedings, 4th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), 3–8 August 1953, Zurich, Switzerland


    • Milton W Rosen
    • Richard B Snodgrass

    Margin for error

    IAC 1953 congress proceedings, 4th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), 3–8 August 1953, Zurich, Switzerland


    • Giovanni Casiraghi

    Materials for rocket frame and motor construction

    IAC 1953 congress proceedings, 4th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), 3–8 August 1953, Zurich, Switzerland


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