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    Results 110 of 46 for event:IAC-1957






    • Thomas P Bun
    • Flavio A Pereira

    "Biospheric index", a contribution to the problem of determination of the existence of extra-solar planetary biosphere

    IAC 1957 congress proceedings, 8th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), 6–12 October 1957, Barcelona, Spain


    • F G Gravalos

    A method of integrating the equations of motion of a body entering an arbitrary atmosphere with an automatic error analysis

    IAC 1957 congress proceedings, 8th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), 6–12 October 1957, Barcelona, Spain


    • J Kaulbersz
    • R Bilski
    • I Kocyan
    • A Oginski
    • D Wiecha
    • J Zbiegien

    Alterations in some blood reactions and in the white cell count during the total eclipse of the sun in Poland 1954

    IAC 1957 congress proceedings, 8th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), 6–12 October 1957, Barcelona, Spain


    • R E Robrson

    Attitude control of a satellite vehicle an outline of the problems

    IAC 1957 congress proceedings, 8th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), 6–12 October 1957, Barcelona, Spain


    • Ernst Stuhlinger

    Design and performance data of space ships with ionic propulsion systems

    IAC 1957 congress proceedings, 8th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), 6–12 October 1957, Barcelona, Spain


    • Jan Gadomski

    Die Sternenökosphärzn im radius von 17 lichtjhren umdie sonne

    IAC 1957 congress proceedings, 8th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), 6–12 October 1957, Barcelona, Spain


    • Maurice Subotowicz

    Einge ptimalisationsprobleme in der theorie der stufenraketen und ein einfaches verfahren zur ermittlung der optimalen parameter der stufenraketen

    IAC 1957 congress proceedings, 8th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), 6–12 October 1957, Barcelona, Spain


    • J J Barré

    Essai de contribution à l'autopropulsion nucléaire

    IAC 1957 congress proceedings, 8th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), 6–12 October 1957, Barcelona, Spain


    • J J Barré

    Essai de contribution à la propulsion ionique

    IAC 1957 congress proceedings, 8th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), 6–12 October 1957, Barcelona, Spain


    • S Herrick
    • R M L Baker
    • C G Hilton

    Gravitational and related constants for accurate space navigation

    IAC 1957 congress proceedings, 8th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), 6–12 October 1957, Barcelona, Spain


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